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來句中文 #11 個資 personal information

<Today's sentence>


(Pinyin) yí wèi lǜ shī yīn wèi bù mǎn shēn fèn zhèng pù lù tài duō gè zī xiàng fǎ yuàn tí chū sù sòng ,zuì hòu fǎ yuàn pàn jué shēn fèn zhèng bù yòng jì zǎi pèi ǒu yǐ jí fù mǔ xìng míng 。

(English) A lawyer filed a lawsuit due to his discontent that Taiwan's ID cards reveal too much personal information. In the end, the court ruled that ID cards don't have to list the names of spouse and parents.

<資料來源 Source>

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